One very broke girl!

So once again I am here to give a little advice on living on a budget. My advice is this… cook at home. I know people have probably told you this before, but it holds tried and true, cooking at home is cheaper and much healthier.

I met up with my friend Christine on Thursday night. Rather than going out and spending a lot of money at a restaurant we decided to go to the local grocery store and cook dinner at my apartment. For $20 we got wine, salmon, salad, and strawberries for dessert. The only other places that could beat the price we paid for our dinner are all fast chains. Our strategy was much healthier. So, there you have it folks! As long as you keep your crib entertainment ready, cooking at home is a great option:)

About ashleyeastside

I had a great run in LA, but it's now time to head back to the Nation's Capital to pursue the artistic life I endeavored on after graduation. The fun is definitely not over yet, however. Stay tuned, because just as I brought you LA's best kept secrets, I am now out to bring you DC's best kept secrets.

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